【同义词辨析】 2018-02-02 拒绝decline-spurn

decline: implies a courteous refusal and may refer to offers or invitations: ~ the invitation to dinner.

refuse: suggests more decisiveness and ungraciousness, and often refers to denial of what is expected or asked for: ~ them the loan they needed.    gracious谦和优雅,有礼貌,顾及他人感受          decisive坚决的决断的,就是与其并列的ungracious不谦和优雅,decisive没有译出    deny拒绝,表示拒绝给予、承认、让步,即用途比refuse窄一些,如tried to deny the charges拒绝指控

reject: implies a peremptory refusal by or as if by sending away or discarding: ~ the plan as unworkable.     peremptory强势专横,做事唐突专断不容反驳,如a peremptory style强势专横的风格

repudiate: implies a disowning and casting off as untrue, unauthorized or unacceptable: ~ the value of their parents.   如he repudiated his first wife and married her sister他和第一个妻子离婚后娶了她的妹妹,如Hillary说美国人"repudiated Trump"抛弃川普

spurn: stresses a contempt and disdain in rejecting or repudiating: ~ his amorous advance.   路透报道Trump拒绝再次通话,用了spurn: Reuters: "Exclusive: Trump spurns Taiwan president's suggestion of another phone call"傲慢轻蔑地拒绝       disdain公开表达傲慢,是2018-02-24 傲慢proud-disdainful最后一个词,最公开最严重,如disdainful of their pathetic attempts对他们的可怜尝试嗤之以鼻

decline谢绝婉拒: 指礼貌拒绝邀请馈赠,refuse拒绝: 不及decline谦和优雅,常表示拒绝请求要求,reject拒绝拒收: 指断然(不容反对)拒绝,好像扔出抛弃, repudiate抛弃: 指抛弃的事物曾被认可,spurn轻蔑地拒绝: 强调轻蔑地拒绝或抛弃

记忆方法: 1) 首字母重组成RRR DS三人的事<==拒绝做事(三个和尚没水喝)       本组第1个和第3个都用第2个词refuse解释,可见refuse是基础词

         3)拒绝的意思是不接受接收考虑mean to turn away by not accepting, receiving, or considering.首字母重组成RRR DS三人的事<==拒绝做事(三个和尚没水喝)